Subject: Re: RX02 driver (was: Re: ze0: xmit logic died .. again)
To: Jochen Kunz <>
From: Lord Isildur <>
List: port-vax
Date: 07/14/2002 18:28:03
I can send you a KZQSA, i have no docs for it though


re the CI docs, i take it the Ultrix kernel sources arent useful enough 
to reverse engineer enough functionality from? (or the OSF1 sources, 
which also, iirc, support dssi? ) i have both and would make them 
available to folks who need them. (some of you have already gotten them 
that way:) 
happy hacking,

On Sun, 14 Jul 2002, Jochen Kunz wrote:

> On 2002.07.14 20:24 Michael Schneider wrote:
> > How about a driver for the KZQSA? 
> Ahh, that dumb SCSI adapter? Hmm. Give me a KZQSA, doc and time. ;-)