Subject: Re: GCC to retire VAX support!?
To: None <>
From: der Mouse <mouse@Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>
List: port-vax
Date: 06/18/2002 13:59:39
>> Well, you should be upset at the people who wrote the software which
>> uses the GCC extensions, not at GCC for providing them.
> but the GCC people are doing _exactly_ the same kind of thing the
> Redmond Entity does: introduce nonstandard, proprietary 'extensions'
> to things that are already widely accepted as standards, and then by
> [popular use], these 'extensions' become de facto obligatory.

That's the way languages evolve: extensions are tried out, and the
popular ones become so widespread as to be de-facto standard, often
turning de-jure standard shortly thereafter (cf long long int).

On that score, I have no problem with Microsoft.  My beefs with them
lie elsewhere.

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