Subject: RE: [OT] Any sources for PDP-11 spares?
To: None <>
From: Antonio Carlini <>
List: port-vax
Date: 06/17/2002 20:32:34
>Random web / doc reading leads me to suspect that there may be QBUS=20
>termination issues we should be aware of however, like the uVAX QBUS =
CPUs use=20
>240ohm & the 11/xx use 120ohm termination & that we should be changing =
>QBUS backplane terminators to match perhaps?...
At least one of the manuals that will soon(ish) appear
covers termination issues for KDF and/or KDJ processors
in some detail. AFAIK all the Q-bus CPUs (PDP & VAX)
have the appropriate terminattion, so it's probably only
the other end that you need to consider (and I *think*
that's the same for PDP & VAX anyway). Possibly
a read of some of the Micronotes may clear that up.
There's also the issue of 16/18/22 bits but I suspect that
a chassis wired for 22-bits (like the BA23/BA123) would
be fine for previous generations.
OTOH it won't be my boards that release their magic
smoke, so be sure to do some reading yourselves!