Subject: Re: [OT] Any sources for PDP-11 spares?
To: John D. Peedle <>
From: Brian Hechinger <>
List: port-vax
Date: 06/16/2002 15:44:46
On Fri, Jun 14, 2002 at 07:05:13PM +0100, John D. Peedle wrote:
> I have two of each of those pretending to be a sideboard in my front room.
> They also double up as central heating.

i've got an empty R400X acting as end table in my living room right now.  if
only that case were 2" shorter, it would be perfect.  although i could always
put 2" blocks under my couch. hmmmm, that's not a bad idea. *evil grin*

"I mean Twinkies are good but getting shot really hurts."
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