Subject: Re: [OT] Any sources for PDP-11 spares?
To: NetBSD Vax Mailing list <>
From: der Mouse <mouse@Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>
List: port-vax
Date: 06/11/2002 14:39:12
>> What is port-pdp10? Is there an attempt to port NetBSD to the PDP-10?
Yes - or at least, there's an effort underway to look into such a port.
> I had the same reaction you had. Someone appears to have created
> that mailing list. My guess is that either the person(s) who was
> suggesting it are young enough to be lacking perspective about the
> advisability of porting Unix to a 36-bit machine,
Hmm? I think it's an excellent way to smoke out those hidden
assumptions about word size.
Or do you not want to eliminate such nonportabilities?
I think it would be a wicked-cool feather in NetBSD's cap.
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