Subject: Re: OFF TOPIC - Breaking into Ultrix 4.2 system
To: Douglas Meade <>
From: Peter Svensson <>
List: port-vax
Date: 05/30/2002 00:52:10
On Wed, 29 May 2002, Douglas Meade wrote:
> Actually, no, that syntax doesn't work. I still haven't found a
> way to specify the kernel from the boot prom. However, I can
> enter conversational boot, with
> B/1 DIA0
> and after the first boot blocks do their job:
> they ask:
> Enter image name:
> You can type "vmunix" here, and keep going as before. I could't get
> vmunix -s, or "vmunix -s" to work.
B/3 would probably enter single user mode. At least I think setting bit 1
of R5 means single user mode for unices on the vax.
Peter Svensson ! Pgp key available by finger, fingerprint:
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