Subject: Re: KFQSA in Vax 4000/500 - I'm going to make a HOWTO
To: Douglas Meade <>
From: Brian Hechinger <>
List: port-vax
Date: 05/21/2002 19:48:28
On Tue, May 21, 2002 at 10:36:57AM -0400, Douglas Meade wrote:
> The SHOW DEV still gives
> DSSI Bus 0 Node 6 (*)
> for that one. Is the (*) supposed to change to something else?
the (*) is the node name. all DSSI devices have a node name. your three disks
seem to be named WOOLY, SARTORIS and CLOPPER.
the reason node 6 changed from CLOPPER to * is that the VAX is now node 6, and
a non-running (OS wise) machine has no node name. with a single system like
this you will never get the chance to see that node have a name, but if you
were to put a second machine on the DSSI bus and install VMS, the next time you
did a SHOW DEV on your non-running system, you would see that other machine on
the DSSI bus, and it would put its SCS nodename in the (). DSSI is very very
cool stuff.
> Also, is there anything I need to do with the jumpers on the
> KFQSA board?
i could give you what mine is set to, as it seems to work.
> Finally, I'm not 100% confident about this cable, having never
> used it in a system before. Is there any clue I might gather
> as to whether the connection between the KFQSA and the bulkhead
> is sound?
could you post us a new copy of the output of SHOW DEV since you changed things?
"when it absolutely has to be there oh, sometime in the next few weeks"