Subject: Sigma/Webster RQD11 w/ 4 drives?
To: NetBSD \"Port-VAX\" Mailing List <>
From: Douglas Meade <>
List: port-vax
Date: 05/19/2002 22:42:18
When Bob asked his question about the Sigma last week, 
I responded that this controller would support up to
4 drives.  Then I realized that I had never got around
to trying that many.  Tonight, I pulled out a 34 
pin cable with 4 drive connectors that I had ordered
from a cable place on the net about a year ago but 
had never tested.  Now I find I am only successful
in getting two drives working.  As soon as I attach
the 34-pin cable to a 3rd drive, when I try to fire
up Wombat, it says "Unable to initialize controller.
No WOMBAT software found."  Could this be due to 
a flaky cable?  I've got only 1 drive terminated,
all on different unit numbers, and the terminated
drive is at the end of the chain.  Is there something
else I could be missing?

Any help appreciated,