Subject: Re: DELQA Ethernet problem
To: Michael Thompson <>
From: Linc Fessenden <>
List: port-vax
Date: 05/11/2002 15:40:40
On Sat, 11 May 2002, Michael Thompson wrote:
> This was on a MV-III+ with the 1.5ZC kernel. I was compiling the kernel on
> a NFS mounted filesystem. The message transmit logic died was displayed
> three times, the machine paused for about 30 seconds, and it picked up
> after that. During this time I could ping the VAX from the NFS server.
I believe it. I have been complaining about this since 1.4 and every time
this thread goes around someone says it's either fixed or better in
current.. So far the *fix* has never made it from current to any
released/stable version. Another thing I hear a lot is that it's cruddy
hardware and you get the same problem on every OS. That's a load of crap
as well. The *only* other OS I have seen it happen on was Ultrix (don't
remember the version) but there was a patch to fix it.
Now I am not a good enough programmer to fix this myself or I would
because I love my NetBSD and I love my Vax as well. If someone can
actually address this problem and get a working resolution, can we
*please* get it into a released/stable version? Running current is not an
option for people with a dial-up connection. Perhaps an easy retro patch
for 1.5 and or 1.5.2 as well? Now that would be progress!
-Linc Fessenden
In the Beginning there was nothing, which exploded - Yeah right...