Subject: Re: DELQA Ethernet problem
To: Johnny Billquist <>
From: Anders Magnusson <>
List: port-vax
Date: 05/10/2002 22:58:25
> On Fri, 10 May 2002, Anders Magnusson wrote:
> > > , and also some messages with "xmit logic died".
> > That should also be something that is much more infrequent in -current.
> > It happens because the transmit list may get invalid sometimes; i.e.
> > a `cannot happen' situation.
> Funny thing that it only happens in NetBSD. We must be using the device in
> a bad way. Neither VMS, RSX or Ultrix seem to have this problem.
Oh, yes, all of them have the same problem, but their drivers don't
inform about it. It is indeed a microcode problem, so it would be a quite
bad idea for DEC to tell people "this hardware is flakey" :-)
You can look at the original DEC driver that were in NetBSD, it have some
of the compensation code for bad DEQNA's. Note that the DEC driver is
quite slow; it could almost reach 200k/s (in both directions). The new
one I wrote peeks about 500k/s.
-- Ragge