Subject: 4000/90 works! But why?
To: None <>
From: joseph p bennardo <>
List: port-vax
Date: 05/02/2002 13:09:01
OK, this apparently was all my doing. I picked up a 4000/60 and a 90 at
the same time. I also purchased some 16MB ram chips from a 60. I thought
I was told ram was compatable from a 90 to a 60? My probelms with the 90
started when we took it's original 8 simms out (8MB each) and started
going for more ram. Now that the 90 is working again I'll paly with it
more, but it seems to me that 90's don't like ram for a 60.

Thanks to all who kept insisting "It's a problem with your ram"

Joe Bennardo

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