Subject: Vax 4000/90 still no fix
To: None <>
From: joseph p bennardo <>
List: port-vax
Date: 05/02/2002 12:33:29
Now that we have a 4000/60 pluged in and running in house I have a much
better understanding of what these things should do upon proper boot up.
The 4000/90 still just sits there, spins up the hard dish but shows no
video and the little leds under the cover don't cycle. I'm played with
the ram and have had no success. 2 chips, 4 chips, no chips, front back,
pressint them in firmly, no dice. Do all the ram slots need to be filled
in a 90 maybe? I'd hate to have to admit the computer is fried, but it's
starting to look that way.

Joe Bennardo

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