Subject: Re: Pdp-11 Revisited
To: None <>
From: joseph p bennardo <>
List: port-vax
Date: 04/26/2002 17:57:23
Let me repeat to all the statement that ruffled a few fethers the last
time. The best I can do is get one or two dontated to a museum. That
person has already contacted me. Nobody else will be getting them for
shipping costs. No fictitous non-profit organizations, ect. Heck,
somebody offered me $1000 for a 11/45 and still the answer is no. No can
do, wish I could. I could make a nice profit for my trouble. But sticking
my neck out will for sure get it cut off. Helping out a museum was the
best I could do. 

For those who claimed I was in this for the money.......How's that for
proof otherwise?

Joe Bennardo

PS If anybody can donate a video card for a 4000/90 let me know...I'm in
need of one.

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