Subject: Re: uVAX-II doesn't work without RQDX???
To: Gunther Schadow <>
From: Chuck McManis <>
List: port-vax
Date: 04/14/2002 20:20:37
At 09:48 PM 4/14/02 -0500, Gunther Schadow wrote:
 >Ahh, now that's a consideration.  So how is this exactly? In a
>BA23 (that's the small uVAX-II case, right?). So let's talk about
>the future, can I do this:
>   1          --- --- --- --- KA630
>   2          --- --- --- --- MS630
>   3          --- --- --- --- MS630
>   4    DEQNA --- ---|--- --- TQK50
>  5          --- --- --- --- KFQSA
>   6          --- --- --- --- KDB50/1
>   7          --- --- --- --- KDB50/2
>  8          --- --- --- --- open

Except that I would do it :
1 | KA630             |
2 | MS630             |
3 | MS630             |
4 |  DEQNA  |  TQK50  |
5 | KDA50 1/2         |
6 | KDA50 2/2         |
7 | KFQSA             |
8 |   -- Empty --     |

My rational for this is that the KDA50 is compatible with Q/Q backplanes 
(it carries grant forward) but the KFQSA may not be (introduced in the 
BA213 time frame) I can't check because my KFQSA is in a box in storage at 
the moment.

>did I miss anything? Do I have to move stuff one slot down and
>put grants inbetween?

You should be OK, but note that this system will catch on fire if you have 
the "old" wiring harness. The KDB50 is a power hog.
