Subject: Re: FREE: uVax-II near Wash., DC/Northern VA
To: Jonathan Sturges <>
From: Dave McGuire <>
List: port-vax
Date: 03/29/2002 19:26:46
  Aww saddens me to see you unloading that machine.  I wish I
could take it, but as you know I'm nowhere near DC anymore.

  I need to get up there and get a bunch of stuff out of storage in
2-2.5 months anyway; I wonder if I can find someone up there willing
to grab it and hang onto it for me for a while.


On March 29, Jonathan Sturges wrote:
> It's time for me to say good-bye to my trusty MicroVAX-II.  It isn't
> getting its due attention from me, plus it seems a little large for my
> townhouse, given the other "hardware creep" going on around it.
> Many thanks to all who've helped me get NetBSD running on this thing
> over the years, especially Dave McGuire.
> I offer, for free, the following items, with these provisions:
> 1)  You must pick up the equipment (I can help you, if you can get w/i
> 50 miles or so of Wash., DC.).  Everything will fit nicely in even a
> small car's trunk.  [Dave, I know you're not in the area anymore, but 
> you get first dibs if ya want it.  :) ]
> 2)  You must take everything together.  I don't want to part anything out.
> Included items:
> *  1 MicroVAX-II in free-standing vertical case (I don't remember what
> case that is?  BA-??).  Options:
> 		*  1 TK50
> 		*  1 RD54
> 		*  1 DELQA
> 		*  9MB total memory (historical note:  there is a
> 		quad-height 4MB RAM card made by EMC in there!)
> 		*  1 DHV-11 (but see note below)
> 		*  Console serial cable (BCC08)
> *  Extra RD54
> *  Other 4-port serial card (don't remember model).  This card has a
> panel kit with it, the DHV-11 does not.  You will have to find or make a
> panel kit to use all ports on this card plus DHV-11...
> *  "Customer Hardware Information" and "Hardware Information" manuals
> *  Customer Field Diagnostic tape on TK50 media
> *  miscellaneous TK50's, some might contain old NetBSD dumps and/or boot
> tapes.
> *  HISTORICAL NOTE:  I also have 2 Ultrix 3.3 dump tapes (but no boot
> media).  Apparently, this machine used to be "", running
> Ultrix, in the late '80s.  This pre-dates my use of the Internet, but
> for Internet history buffs, this is kinda neat.  IIRC from when Dave
> McGuire and I restored the Ultrix system in 1994, there's a *huge* hosts
> file on that thing... I guess it pre-dates DNS, or at least widespread
> DNS use?
> I've freshly loaded NetBSD 1.5.2 (release) on the internal RD54 and just
> re-formatted the spare.
> Contact me via e-mail if there are any takers.
> thanks,
> Jonathan

Dave McGuire                    "'s leaving me this unpleasant,
St. Petersburg, FL                 damp feeling on my shorts..." -Sridhar