Subject: Re: Fun with DSSI drives
To: der Mouse <mouse@Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>
From: Chuck McManis <>
List: port-vax
Date: 02/22/2002 22:54:37
At 01:42 AM 2/23/02 -0500, der Mouse wrote:
> > <>
> > Unfortunately, this won't work with the KA630 CPU as its monitor is
> > too weak.
>As in, doesn't know how to speak DUP?


>How complicated is DUP?

Not very.

>   How much is (publicly) known about it?

Its described in the MSCP spec and UDA50 programmers manual volume 2. I've 
got a copy of the latter somewhere.

>couldn't be impossible to build something you could boot instead of a
>kernel, or perhaps with sufficient hackery something you could run once
>you've booted NetBSD, that did something like SET HOST/DUP/DSSI...but
>without docs it's not likely to be very doable.

Its definitely doable. The assembly code is somewhere in the SIMH monitor 
image :-)
