Subject: 4gig HD limit on VAXstation 4000/60?
To: None <>
From: John Maier <>
List: port-vax
Date: 02/14/2002 17:02:02
I had a 4gig Seagate Baracuda SCSI 2 (68pin) HD left from an upgrade, so I threw a 68->50
pin converter on it and stuck it in my VS4000/60, installed NetBSD on it.
Did the >>> b dka0...wait...back to a prompt, nothing, no boot.
I installed again....samething. It works fine on my 1 gig.
Before one blames the drive, I put it in my Decstation 3000/300, install NetBSD and it
boots great.
John Maier - Administrator
Midamerica Internet Services
ICQ# 38643380
Yahoo: toolboy1968
MSN: toolboy68
/ Nothing great was ever achieved without
/ enthusiasm. --- Ralph Waldo Emerson