Subject: Re: DECserver 300 software
To: Adam Kranzel <>
From: Johnny Billquist <>
List: port-vax
Date: 02/08/2002 02:04:33
On Thu, 7 Feb 2002, Adam Kranzel wrote:
> Hi...
> I've recently aquired a DECserver 300, and am having no luck at all
> finding the software for it. I found a thread from a few years ago (April
> 2000) giving me the filename (SH1601ENG.SYS) but can't seem to find this
> file anywhere on the net. Does anyone have an idea where to find it? If
> it's on a cd set of some sort that I have to purchase that's not a
> problem, this is a work-related exercise :)
Well, the file is probably purchaseable from COMPAQ...
.dsp [5,54]sh1601eng.sys
Size: 388./388. Created: 23-NOV-1989 16:18
Owner: [001,112] Revised: 23-NOV-1989 16:18
File ID: (6666,4,0) Expires: <none_specified>
File protection: System:RWED, Owner:RWED, Group:RWED, World:R
File organization: Sequential
File attributes: Allocation=388, Extend=0
Record format: Fixed length 512 byte records
Record attributes: None
I guess letting that file out can't be much of a license break, since you
need the hardware to use it.
You'll have to figure out how you'll get it out from there... :-)
If anyone thinks differently, let me know...
Johnny Billquist || "I'm on a bus
|| on a psychedelic trip
email: || Reading murder books
pdp is alive! || tryin' to stay hip" - B. Idol