Subject: Vaxstation 4000/60, Exabyte Mammoth 8900 problems.
To: None <>
From: =?iso-8859-1?Q?Kjetil_N=E6ss?= <>
List: port-vax
Date: 02/06/2002 08:33:35
Hi all,

I really enjoy using NetBSD on my Vaxstation - a big thanx to all that
have put so much effort into getting it together. Now, to my problem I
hope someone can help with. A couple of days ago I swapped some old
diskette drives for an Exabyte mammoth drive (8900). Drive came with lcd
display, and has been used in a vax 4000/600 setup. The tapedrive was
replaced with a dlt drive due to the same problems that I have - some
time into the backup the tapedrive stops; and the backup operation times
out. I experience the same problem on NetBSD. Dumping or tarring can
sometimes complete fine, sometimes it times out. No message on the
lcd-display. After some fiddling around with the drive I discovered that
there was some kind of builtin setup, in which there was some hex
parameters (options) that could be changed. Any suggestions as to what
these parameters should be for NetBSD on a VaxStation 4000/60 ? Or if
they're correct, what would the best parameters for dump be to get the
tapedrive working correctly ?=20

Kjetil N=E6ss