Subject: Re: compatibility
To: Paul Apprich <>
From: Dave McGuire <>
List: port-vax
Date: 02/01/2002 21:53:39
On January 31, Paul Apprich wrote:
> > >yes, the keyboards, mice, and monitors are compatible.
> > >well, the monitors might be. The decstations and vaxstations both use two
> > >resolutions, 1024x864, and 1280x1024, at a few different sync
> > >frequencies. the ds5k25 iirc is 1280x1024, i dont remember if its 66 Hz
> > >or 60 Hz or 72 Hz, but most VS3100 graphics are at 1024x864. the VS4ks
> > >do 1280x1024, again i dont know the sync. so you have a fair chance of it
> > >working, but then again.. hehe
> > >find out the model of the monitor to try to eliminate some of the
> > >guessing..
> The specs are as follows:
> 1024 x 864 - 54.9KHz H / 60Hz V - VR160DA
> 1280 x 1024 - 75KHz H / 70Hz V - VR290DA

  Uhh, are you sure about that?  I've run many VAXstation-II/GPX
machines with VR290 monitors at 1024x864.  You can use VR160 and VR290
monitors interchangeably on a VCB02, and since the framebuffer can't
tell what it's connected to, there's no way it can be changing its
sync rates.


Dave McGuire
St. Petersburg, FL         "Less talk.  More synthohol." --Lt. Worf