Subject: Re: DSSI support
To: Matthew Sell <>
From: Bamdad Ehterami <>
List: port-vax
Date: 01/31/2002 20:58:54
Hi All,
	Well, I do not know anything that might help in system 
development, But right beside me, stands a VAX4000/300 which I can use it 
for ANY kind of beta testing... just tell me if you need anything tested.
(It will boot to NetBSD in the next week , but as you know, since the 
storage adapter is DSSI it must use my VLC4000 SCSI disks (NFS).)

 On Thu, 31 Jan 2002, Matthew Sell wrote:

> Chuck,
> You mention that you have been working on DSSI support for NetBSD. What is 
> the state of that project?
> Anything I could assist with possibly? I have a VAX 4000-300 that I'm going 
> to dedicate to NetBSD (thanks Mitch!).
>          - Matt
> Matthew Sell
> Programmer
> On Time Support, Inc.
> (281) 296-6066
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