Subject: Re: I *must* be doing something really wrong, stupid, or
To: Matthew Sell <>
From: M J Dowden <>
List: port-vax
Date: 01/29/2002 12:25:13
At 1:42 AM -0600 1/29/2002, Matthew Sell wrote:

>Okay - got part of it - no boot yet, but I was using the Kernel and 
>not the bootloader. My bad.
>I was confusing the Linux and NetBSD procedures. The Linux procedure 
>downloads the kernel via MOP, and NetBSD downloads a bootloader.

     You do have the RAM kernel, right? boot.mop should send 
netbsd.ram to the bootclient, not the regular kernel.

     Best regards,
     M J Dowden

M J Dowden <>
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