Subject: Re: I *must* be doing something really wrong, stupid, or
To: None <>
From: Matthew Sell <>
List: port-vax
Date: 01/29/2002 08:30:42
Yes, I'm using the console port. I did get the port right, even if I
couldn't get the right image for downloading.....
: )
The last attempt I tried last night was to attempt to boot using an older
version of NetBSD - 1.4. Still no go.....
... on any of the machines....
Q: After boot.mop downloads and starts to execute - is anything else
requested via MOP? Maybe I don't have another component that it needs to
grab via MOP before attempting to switch to TCP/IP for remaining ops.
Just a thought. It's obvious I have a few books I need to put on order
Thanks for the help Chuck! What a learning process....
- Matt
At 01:00 AM 1/29/2002 -0800, you wrote:
>If you're actually loading boot.mop then you will see a banner that
>announces its trying to boot regardless of how fast DHCP is. It will
>complain about not being able to load netbsd.gz and then continue with
>"trying DHCP/BOOTP" Its actually quite "chatty."
>I still can't figure out if you have the correct console port. Did you set
>switch S3 into the "up" position? Presumably you get the entire power
>sequence up to the chevron prompt ">>>" right?
Matthew Sell
On Time Support, Inc.
(281) 296-6066
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