Subject: Re: I *must* be doing something really wrong, stupid, or
To: Matthew Sell <>
From: Chuck McManis <>
List: port-vax
Date: 01/28/2002 23:44:42
At 01:05 AM 1/29/02 -0600, Matthew Sell wrote:
>I don't think you understood what I was saying......
On the contrary, I understand exactly what you are saying.
>When I instruct the VAX to boot with:
>"b/100 esa0"
>It will prompt me to enter a "bootfile". I then enter (as an
>example) "netbsd". Watching the MOPD log, I can see that the VAX requests
>"NETBSD.SYS", to which MOPD responds "(yes)". And the file is transferred
>to the VAX. I can see that by watching network activity between the two
>ports. At that point, MOPD logs "Load Completed".
And what you are doing is wrong. You should tell it "boot.mop" and that
file is the one that you found in the installation/netboot directory of the
NetBSD 1.5.2 Distribution. Instead you are trying to tell it to load
'netbsd' which is the kernel. The kernel doesn't have a clue how to boot
itself, it only knows how to initialize the system once the boot loader has
loaded it.