Subject: Re: Okay, now how long has *this* been on the shelf
To: None <>
From: Peter Hufnagel <>
List: port-vax
Date: 01/26/2002 08:36:09
>Just surfing EBay looking for anything interesting, and found this: >
>I would buy it if they seller didn't want so much money for it, just to >show people what a hard drive used to be once upon a time :)
.. and we still have a pile of these packs at work. And some of the
even larger RM style packs (RM05? God its been a while). Just sitting
on the floor in the computer room, drives that use them long ago gone
to the junkyard, or whereever it is old drives go.
Yeah.. nothing like a 300Meg drive the size of a washing machine
15" disk platters drawing 220V@30A out of the wall at startup (ok, ok,
that was surge current to get the motor going...).
I think when we got rid of them all, probably 10 years ago, the place
that took them gave us $999 for them, and only charged us $1000 to come
and pick it all up in a truck. So we spent $1 getting rid of them.
Lets see.. and then we went to Sun E250 sized rack mount 850Meg drives,
(4U? 5U?)... and then to 3.5" 4Gig scsi drives.
Geez... I'm starting to feel old now... ;-)