Subject: Re: Copying installation drive
To: None <>
From: der Mouse <mouse@Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>
List: port-vax
Date: 01/25/2002 15:22:09
> If you have identical drives somethng like
> dd if=<source hd raw device> of=<target hd raw device> bs=512

> will do a block by block copy of the entire drive (including boot block)

It will also be, generally, quite slow.  I'd recommend looking at the
boot messages to get the size of the disk in sectors, throw that at
factor(6), and use those numbers to find a number somewhere near a
megabyte that divides the disk size, and use _that_ as the bs= value.

I'd actually recommend using blt instead.  It gets better overlap
between reads and writes than dd, sometimes much better.  I'll be happy
to send a copy to anyone who wants one.

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