Subject: Re: Qbus IDE adapter implementing MSCP
To: der Mouse <mouse@Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>
From: John Maier <>
List: port-vax
Date: 01/21/2002 16:56:47
> Since you're doing the whole thing yourself, it would be fairly easy to
> bankswitch half or a quarter of the memory space, giving you a more or
> less unlimited amount of buffer memory at the price of one extra
> instruction to access it (or two, if you have eight "hidden" address
> lines).
> Might not be quite as clean, but certainly doable.

Yep, I remember as if it were...10 years ago...people bank switching Z80s up to
1-4Megs...and that's with a stock 16Bit address line Z80!

Looking at the ATA-2 spec...I might want to go with a 16bit bus CPU since IDE is a 16 bit
oriented bus (with an optional 8 bit bus mode) which probably would be the best since
newer drive may not support legacy 8 bit mode.  There is a nice Z380 that looks promising.
I considered using a simple 80386 but the design books seem to be out of print...not that
I wont head down to the used book store and see what I can dig up.

> >> She can't have the zebra without its stripes, man...
> > That's no joke!  I've been sure to point this out, to her, and it's
> > beginning to sink in...
> Lucky sod.  Wish I had occasion to worry about such things.

Yeah...I'm not complaining... ;-)
