Subject: Re: Qbus IDE adapter implementing MSCP
To: Dave McGuire <>
From: John Maier <>
List: port-vax
Date: 01/21/2002 12:35:48
> That would be interesting...though I might use a 68K or something
> for a project like this.
<nods> I started thinking about the performace of the Z80 vs. something faster but off
hand, it seems that:
1) Qbus speed isn't all that fast.
2) The Z80's block copy, and IO abilies are has a great CISC set, like the VAX
3) I know it well...
That said... Zilog has a Z180 (2nd gen Z80) that has a 10-20% more efficent instruction
set, can address 1Meg of memory, which would mean more buffer space, and runs at 6,8, or
10Mhz instead of the base Z80's 4Mhz. They have versions with built in DMA, 8bit PIO
ports, Timers, UARTs, and all kinds of bells and whistles that make this sort of stuff
"easier" and cheaper to impliment.
But I might yet reconsider this choice, since the Z180 impliments memeory offset like the
old 8086 upon which I could arguable base my controler, but those Z180 glue devices are so
handy and if I want to stick to big deal.
If a T-11 could do it...a Z180 should should be able to with out breaking a sweat.
> MSCP is fairly complex, this will be quite a project. If you make
> this work, I'll certainly build one.
Yeah...I'm begining to realize this. My first step will be, to control an IDE drive, then
I will start thinking about how to interface to the Qbus and talk.
I'm sure I will spend hours in the VAX console ping ponging off the controller getting
them to talk properly.
At the very least, if this works, it will give the Qbus VAX an indefinate life span. If I
can stick with it, this experence would be great for designing other things such as a
possible USB -- but one thing at a time.
> She can't have the zebra without its stripes, man...
That's no joke! I've been sure to point this out, to her, and it's beginning to sink