Subject: SII DSSI --> SCSI hacking?
To: None <>
From: John Maier <>
List: port-vax
Date: 01/21/2002 09:42:50
I have quoted a paragraph below, for context purposes, but there is one passage "...the
same SII chip implements both SCSI and DSSI." which intrigued me.

Is this true?  Is a SII chip actually a SCSI chip just in DSSI mode?  If so, how does one
tell it to go into true SCSI mode?

Quoted from the Quasijarus page:
"The first DSSI adapter made was the DEC SII chip. The DSSI physical layer is really
hacked SCSI, and SII is just a somewhat special SCSI chip that can work in DSSI mode.
Although apparently it is hacked significantly enough to make it impossible to use a
standard SCSI chip as a DSSI adapter, the same SII chip implements both SCSI and DSSI. SII
is just as dumb as an off-the-shelf SCSI chip."

John Maier - Administrator
Midamerica Internet Services
ICQ# 38643380
Yahoo: toolboy1968
MSN: toolboy68
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/ enthusiasm. --- Ralph Waldo Emerson