Subject: Re: errors compiling current
To: Tom Everett <>
From: Chuck McManis <>
List: port-vax
Date: 01/20/2002 10:04:12
At 11:52 PM 1/19/02 -0700, you wrote:
>I'm trying to compile a vax kernel for my vax 4000/500.  The compile machine
>is a vs4000/60 running netbsd 1.5.2.  The steps I followed to make the
>kernel were:
>cd /usr/src/sys/arch/vax/conf/
>config GENERIC
>cd /usr/src/sys/arch/vax/compile/GENERIC
>make depend

So you are trying to build a 1.5.2 kernel to run on the 4000/500. I don't 
think this works (Michael do you know if your changes are in 1.5.2?)

>I got this compile error:
>mkdep  -x
>ssembler-with-cpp -traditional-cpp -D_LOCORE  -D_VAX_INLINE_ -I.  -I.
>./../../../arch -I../../../.. -nostdinc -DLKM -DMAXUSERS=8 -D_KERNEL -D_KERN
>PT ../../../../arch/vax/vax/intvec.s ../../../../arch/vax/vax/subr.s
>/arch/vax/vax/emulate.s ../../../../arch/vax/vax/unimpl_emul.s
>/vax/vax/urem.s ../../../../arch/vax/vax/udiv.s
>../../../../arch/vax/vax/intvec.s:375: syntax error
>mkdep: compile failed.
>*** Error code 1

There is probably an undefined interrupt vector if you select KA680. That 
sounds like missing support.

>Any help getting a working kernel w/ support for vax 4000/500 would be

Well the "easiest" way might be to see if you can get Michael Kukat's 
changes out of current into the 1.5.2 source and then put it together that 
way. This assumes that all of his changes are checked into current. I would 
not recommend trying to build -current (which is the NOT the current 
release, but rather the current source tree which holds what will be the 
next release) There are usually very many problems and I've never found it 
to be straight forward.
