Subject: RE: Google news archive
To: Eric Smith <>
From: Boatman on the River of Suck <>
List: port-vax
Date: 12/12/2001 19:03:55
On Wed, 12 Dec 2001, Eric Smith wrote:

> >> Sure, but it won't beat the living shit out of a farm of 6000 high-end
> >> PCs, or even a few hundred high-end PCs.
> >
> > It would as far as I/O bandwidth, but not processing oomph.
> Actually, the aggregate I/O bandwidth of 6000 high-end PCs will be MUCH
> more than that of a mainframe.

But I don't think the I/O bandwidth of 6000 PC's would aggregate that

> The question here isn't just one of CPU cycles or I/O bandwidth.  There
> are various ways to get those.  The question is how do you build a SYSTEM
> that has the required resources AND the appropriate architecture to
> utilize them effectively.

Indeed.  I'm just discussing this for fun.  I wasn't planning on
implementing anything this size anyway.

Peace...  Sridhar