Subject: Re: Powering large VAXen [was Re: MV3100-96&1.5.2]
To: <>
From: Shengchao Li <>
List: port-vax
Date: 12/10/2001 16:34:04
they use hydropower their. If not used the water in dam will be wasted

On Mon, 10 Dec 2001, Brian Chase wrote:

> On Mon, 10 Dec 2001, Olof Johansson wrote:
> > Not necessarily cheap, but the University was paying for it. :-]
> I think you mean to say that the Swedish taxpayers are paying for it,
> which I guess begins to explain the high rate of taxation there.  A
> sizable fraction of the money goes to paying for the electricity to
> run old VAXen.
> > (Even though at my last comparison, electricity was alot cheaper
> > back home in Sweden than here in the US).
> That's okay.  Here in the US we've got cheaper gasoline, so all we need
> are some large diesel powered generators.  I mean if we Americans are
> going do destory the earth with our greenhouse gases, we may as well get
> some extra life out of those VAX 8000s in the process.
> -brian.
> --- Brian Chase | | -----
>                    Do not fold, mutilate, or spindle.