Subject: Re: Same old questions...
To: None <>
From: None <>
List: port-vax
Date: 10/09/2001 20:43:46
On  8 Oct, Linc Fessenden wrote:

>> Make network trafic and it will be gone. ping-ing some other host in
> This does *not* work.
Hmmm. It did work on my MV3900. 

>> the background or somthing like that. Or upgrade to 1.5.2. AFAIK this
> Have you tried this or is it just a guess?
Guessed, because...

>> problem is a 1.4 only problem. 
> AFAYK it could be caused by aliens as well right?  I am running 1.5.
... you didn't say what version of NetBSD makes problems on your

> Oh yeah, that's a good idea..  Just kill the error message - forget that
> the damn network goes down every 20 minutes...... 
Hmm. That seams to be an other problem than the one I know. I saw only
the error messages, but the network worked well everytime. 

