Subject: Re: Well known (?) "problem" with -current
To: Anders Magnusson <>
From: Ken Wellsch <>
List: port-vax
Date: 08/22/2001 18:11:39
Anders Magnusson wrote:
> > Like some I would guess who bother to try and build -current, I
> > think I've seen at least one person "hint" at the existing problem
> > that is plaguing -current on NetBSD/vax the past few months.
> >
> [...]
> > make: Could not fork: Cannot allocate memory
> >
> This is because make allocates more memory than DFLDSIZ; currently 16MB.
> If you do "unlimit datasize" before typing make it works better.
> The main problem is that increasing MAXDSIZ to more than currently 24MB
> steals so much memory that the kernel won't boot on low-memory machines.
> If you have much memory in your machine, compile a new kernel with
> "options DFLDSIZ="(48*1024*1024)"
> "options MAXDSIZ="(64*1024*1024)"
> or something similar.

Thanks, this worked like a charm.  The "make UPDATE=1 build" completed
without a hitch (using a datasize of 48Mb).


-- Ken