Subject: FS: Silent 700s and Trimm 19" rack mount box with slides
To: None <>
From: Chuck McManis <>
List: port-vax
Date: 08/17/2001 22:25:00
Hi everyone, cleaning out more stuff this evening and have unearthed a few
things. Everything is in Sunnyvale, California, zip 94087.
First an EXTREMELY rare Texas Instruments Silent 700 with Bubble Memory
storage (model 765). These are very unusual because there was only a short
period of time between when bubble memory was practical and the whole
Silent 700 was impractical :-) The Silent 700 series are thermal printing,
hard copy terminals. Works fine. $75 + postage. (Strangely a bubble memory
unit for this thing brought $76 on Ebay a while back, go figure)
Second, is a less rare but very nice Silent-700 model 785. The thing that
distinguishes this terminal from the others is that it has real lower case
letters (versus the original Silent 700's "short" upper case standing in
for lower case). Works fine, $25 + postage.
Third a very nice Trimm Technologies 19" rack mount box. This box has a
full rack slide mounting kit (both the rails and the slides for the rack)
so you can put it into a 19" rack, it is 4U high and has an opening in the
front for a 5.25" full height peripheral (disk or tape). It also has the
mounting brackets for said peripheral which will hold either one or two
devices (you could, for example, mount a CDROM drive and a DAT drive above
each other.
Inside is a standard switching power supply with at least 8 "standard"
power plugs for SCSI devices (4 pin disk/tape power plug). There are also
two SCSI-2 connectors on the back, each connected to a long ribbon cable
inside (reaches to the front of the box) to allow you to run dual busses.
This is extremely useful on VAXen where you have one SCSI controller
talking to a tape drive and the other talking to a bunch of disks.
The power switch comes to the front and has a 'Highland Digital' logo on
it. There are many strategically placed holes on the bottom for mounting
additional disk drives or brackets for more stuff.
$20 plus postage takes it, if you want just the rack slides I'll understand
can send just those. They are the 40 lb ones (1" wide) versus the 100 lb
ones (3" wide) If no one wants this stuff I'll probably put it up on Ebay.