Subject: Re: Slightly O/T - DECServer 300 Config
To: J. Buck Caldwell <>
From: Matt Thomas <>
List: port-vax
Date: 07/09/2001 09:35:48
At 11:24 AM 7/9/2001 -0500, J. Buck Caldwell wrote:
>So I'm finally getting this stack of 3100m38's running properly, and
>I've reached the point where I need to get my DECServer 300 hooked to
>the consoles. However, DECServer 300s are devices I've never actually
>configured before. I've got mine booting, and know the default passwords
>& such, and configured the basic IP stuff on it. However, I need to tell
>it the following:
>I want to hook up port 1 to a terminal, port 8 to my VS4060's console
>(dedicated), and ports 9-16 to the 3100s' consoles. I want to be able to
>telnet into the DECServer's port 23, or connect with the terminal on
>port 1, and say "Connect vs4060" or "connect vs3100-1" or such, and be
>connected to the console of the specified device. I'd also like to be
>able to telnet into port 20xx and connect directly to the console of the
>specific device.

It doesn't work that way.  Instead, you tie a telnet listener to a
port and you telnet into that port.  Usually I set them up so that
there's a 1:1 correspondence between telnet port and server port.
2002 -> port 2, 2003 -> port 3, etc...

>I know the DECServer 300 is capable of all this, but I haven't the
>foggiest idea of how to start. Anybody?

help is your friend.  You want your ports and telnet listeners to look

show port 6

Port  6: (Remote)                      Server: WHITEWATER

Character Size:            8           Input Speed:               9600
Flow Control:            XON           Output Speed:              9600
Parity:                 None           Modem Control:         Disabled
Stop Bits:           Dynamic

Access:               Remote           Local Switch:              None
Backwards Switch:       None           Name:                     NURSE
Break:                 Local           Session Limit:                4
Forwards Switch:        None           Type:                      Ansi
Default Protocol:     Telnet           Default Menu:              None
Autolink Timer One:10 Two:10           Dialer Script:             None

Preferred Service: None
Authorized Groups:   9
(Current)  Groups:   9

Enabled Characteristics:
Input Flow Control,  Output Flow Control

show telnet listener 2006
Listener TCP-port:  2006                     Listener Type:  TELNET
Identification:     COUGAR
Ports:              6
Connections:        Enabled
IP Address: (will default to server's IP address)

Matt Thomas               Internet:
3am Software Foundry      WWW URL:
Cupertino, CA             Disclaimer: I avow all knowledge of this message