Subject: Slightly O/T - DECServer 300 Config
To: None <>
From: J. Buck Caldwell <>
List: port-vax
Date: 07/09/2001 11:24:46
So I'm finally getting this stack of 3100m38's running properly, and
I've reached the point where I need to get my DECServer 300 hooked to
the consoles. However, DECServer 300s are devices I've never actually
configured before. I've got mine booting, and know the default passwords
& such, and configured the basic IP stuff on it. However, I need to tell
it the following:
I want to hook up port 1 to a terminal, port 8 to my VS4060's console
(dedicated), and ports 9-16 to the 3100s' consoles. I want to be able to
telnet into the DECServer's port 23, or connect with the terminal on
port 1, and say "Connect vs4060" or "connect vs3100-1" or such, and be
connected to the console of the specified device. I'd also like to be
able to telnet into port 20xx and connect directly to the console of the
specific device.
I know the DECServer 300 is capable of all this, but I haven't the
foggiest idea of how to start. Anybody?
- J. Buck Caldwell
Version: 3.12
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