Subject: RE: VAX 4000 60 ... anything strange to get NetBSD up on it?
To: 'Chuck McManis' <>
From: Carlini, Antonio <>
List: port-vax
Date: 06/27/2001 12:56:53
> Chuck McManis wrote:
	>Three things are available as options, a floppy, a CD-ROM, and the

	and a DLT drive (mine has a TLZ06 in there).

	Four things are available as options ...
	(cue "What have the Romans ever done for us?")

	>Unfortunately you need the plastic front plate as well that has the

	>opening. I've got both a TZ30 and a floppy that I could put there
but they 
	>only have the BA42 (aka VS3100) dress plates.

	I think you can get away without the plate ... it just
	looks a bit ugly doesn't it? (I remember swapping one of
	mine over but I don't recall all the details so apologies if
	it actually won't work rather than just looking naff)
