Subject: Transmaeta VAX?
To: Christian Johansson <>
From: Brian Chase <>
List: port-vax
Date: 06/27/2001 09:26:52
On Tue, 26 Jun 2001, Christian Johansson wrote:

> > What about Transmeta's beasty - what do we think of that?
> I have heard rumors in Sweden about just what you might do with those,
> but I think there are other people on this list that just might know a
> little bit more... ;)

This message seemed to have gotten swallowed up in the general flow of the
off-topic threads.  Well, what are the rumors?  I've often thought that
the VAX would be a wonderful personality to port to the Transmeta chips.
But I sort of got the impression that although the Transmeta CPUs have the
capability to emulate other architectures, it doesn't seem like a trivial
thing to implement (i.e. Transmeta wouldn't bother coding a VAX emulation
layer because it would cost them more money than they would make from it.)

That's just my impression though.  Maybe it's actually a trivial thing to
do. What someone needs to develop is a really fast chip that's somewhere
between a Transmeta CPU and an FPGA, and somewhat smarter than both.  One
that takes a file containing VHDL as its "0th level" bootloader.
