Subject: Re: NuVAX revisited
To: Matt London <>
From: Lord Isildur <>
List: port-vax
Date: 06/26/2001 16:57:40
If we do our own implementation, i dont think anybody could complain- the
architecture was published in the VARM, and we are merely making a
compatible implementation. We could always call them Stored Program 
Analyzers if somebody objects to calling them a vax... *grin*
doing it from the prints would not be so clean legally.. but then, 
were not selling them. would the Q care?
i doubt it. they already have shown how much they care about the VAX .

On Tue, 26 Jun 2001, Matt London wrote:
> Sounds a lot like a plan to me (and hard work - but that's no stranger)
> Even if we never got it into hardware, to get that far would be quite an
> achievment :&)
> Where do we stand regarding copyright and the like?