Subject: Seeketh ye a faste VAXe.....?
To: None <>
From: NetBSD Bob <>
List: port-vax
Date: 06/19/2001 11:00:51
For the sake of disussion and play, maybe, if the right iron falls in
me lap (no too heavily, tho, ouch!)......

If one were to seeketh out a fine VAX of speedie merit, what would be
the choice to persue?  A high-end 3100 box might be nice, or a high-end
4000 box might be nice.  But, what is the consensus amongst the VAXenpeers?

Let's say, for the sake of discussion, that it has to be a model that
NetBSD could support, and it has to be something that one could lug
home (no 9000 boxes, OK?).

What wouldst the VAXenpeers shoot for, and why?



(dreamtime cap now firmly attached....(:+}}...)