Subject: Re: Netbooting 11/7xx (DEUNA/DELUA)
To: None <>
From: Stephen Bell <>
List: port-vax
Date: 06/18/2001 23:10:13
   I think I have an RX01 that I can hook up to my PDP-11 .
   Someone just asked me today if I can transfer some data from
   RX01 floppy, so I'm going to be look into this side of things.
   c-kermit, PDP-11 come to mind.. Maybe someone closer can do the same.

   The standalone restor program in unix 32v might help??

   alternatively, you could write a "console to disk image" bootstrap 
   that simply reads the data blocks off a serial line (console or some other DR11-W) and 
   writes them out to disk..
   Short enough that it wouldn't take too long to manually enter the 
   opcode data. 

> >> > 
> >> > The 750 uses TU58 cartridges, the 11/78x uses RX01 8" Floppies.
> >> > 
> >> Yes, here you have the big challenge - to get the boot loader onto one of
> >> your RX01 :-) The bootloader can netboot via the DEUNA card.