Subject: Funny Vaxen
To: None <>
From: linc <>
List: port-vax
Date: 06/18/2001 10:15:43
You know, as I get the information on what kinds of vaxen everyone has and
what they use them for, I noticed that a good majority of them are big
vaxen....  Either airconditioner or in some cases refridgerator sized
computers..  And at an average of 7 or so vaxen per person, you can
imagine the people on the list having 7 airconditioners sitting on the
floor or 7 refridgerators in their apartment or home :-)  And you just
know these are hardcore computer appreciaciators/collectors so they
obviously have more than just their 7 or 8 vaxen.  
I never want to hear my wife complain about *my* measly little computer
collection again!
Now if I only had pictures of everyones collections :-)!!

-Linc Fessenden

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