Subject: RE: VAX6000 / KDB50, need help with some questions ...
To: 'Gunther Schadow' <>
From: Carlini, Antonio <>
List: port-vax
Date: 06/16/2001 02:33:34
> Gunther Schadow wrote:
	>So, looking into the back of the cabinet, I have the T1003 left and
	>the T1002 right, the lower two connector slots are all covered by

	From the front you would normally have T1002 to the left
	(i.e. in the lower numbered slot) so I think you have that
	(since you are looking from the back).

	You can do it the other way round but you need to mess with a 
	cable (and it might be confusing since it is not expected).

	>17-01092-01 ribbon cables connecting the two cards. The upper left
	>slot is empty, not even any jumpers. The upper right slot has the 
	>cables that run to the bulkhead. I did not plug this in but instead
	>the cab kit came as one piece with the connector "bars" ready to
	>screw in, in exchange for a pair of empty connectors bars. Those

	The manual shows the transition header in pieces and how
	it fits together. It did not look like it was meant to come
	to pieces so I assume that's the way it is.

	I no longer have access to a VAX 6000 so I cannot check
	but it might be possible to put this on upside down.
	You need the SDI cables coming out of the lower
	section (section C ... oddly sectiond D and E are above that!)
	which is just above the node ID plug.

	Looking from the back, the SDI cables come out of the
	left side of the transition header. The manual suggests that
	you can swap the T1002/T1003 locations if you swap
	the SDI cable location in the header. If your header
	has already bee swapped it might be a lot
	easier to swap the modules!

	(I can scan and email the page ... I have no idea
	whether things melt if you get it wrong !)

	>"easy screws", which suggested to me that it is meant to be done
	>that way. The bars only fit this way (originally I thought the 4
	>would be out of the lower slot, like the CI cables do.)

	These screws are supposed to be tightened to a pre-determined
	torque. Initially tighten all the screws half-way and then use the
	torque driver (29-27381-00) to finish up. No, I didn't have one
	either :-) I hand tightened all the screws and then tightened up
	a smidgen further ... worked for me!

	The I/O bulkhead is just mechanical.

	>When I turn the machine on, I see the two sets of small red LEDs
	>in the following sequence (notice that we now look from the

	>1)       2)      3)
	>0  .     O  O    (0) 0
	>.   .     O  .     0  .
	>.   .     O  .     0  0
	>0  .     O  .     0  0

	>T  T
	>1  1
	>0  0
	>0  0
	>2  3

	The RED LEDs should cycle (a bit like the KDA50) and the
	yellow LEDs should light.

	If you explain the LEDs (they are marked 8421 - I think)
	I can translate the table. However the table just tells you
	which board is broken and in your case it
	is (hopefully) more likely that a cable or plug is
	in the wrong place.

	>the yellow LED's will not come on and the selftest shows one -
	>at the slot of the T1002 and nothing at the T1003. SHOW CONF shows 

	This is bad.

	>Is this normal when no drives are connected at the bulkhead? I
	>it isn't normal. I also reckon that the pattern of red LED's could 
	>tell something if I had a handbook to decypher those signs.

	I could scan a few pages of the KDB50 guide and email
	(always assuming your email account can cope with 
	a few megs).

	>I can see the following things wrong:
	>a) no drives connected, easy, good

	No problem. The boards should still come up OK.

	>b) the connector bars don't have good contacts with the backplane
	>   (how can that be improved? how can I tell?)

	Tighten to correct torque. I can probably find out how much
	but the manual does not mention it anywhere obvious
	(since it assume you will have the preset tool).

	>c) the cards have a bad connection to the backplane

	Possible but unlikely. Reseating helps. They are allegedly
	very static sensitive but I've yet to break one ...

	>d) something is broken on the cards (bad!)

	This would indeed be bad.

	>I don't think that the cards are broken, because I get the same
	>thing with either set of KDB50 cards.

	Unless you've blown two sets of cards, this is good ;-)

	>Can somebody help me debug? I'd really like to know if those
	>cards work, because it can take another while before I have
	>any SDI drives.

	Right now they do NOT work so don't go
	splashing out any cash on SDI drives yet.
