Subject: RE: Need a favor
To: 'Brian Hechinger' <>
From: David Woyciesjes <>
List: port-vax
Date: 06/15/2001 10:59:09
Of course, I may have not been paying enough attention, either :-) I
mean, it _is_ Friday, and I'm heading up to Vermont for the weekend, as soon
as I get out of work today!
--- David A Woyciesjes
--- C & IS Support Specialist
--- Yale University Press
--- (203) 432-0953
--- ICQ # - 905818
-> -----Original Message-----
-> From: Brian Hechinger []
-> Sent: Friday, June 15, 2001 11:09 AM
-> To: David Woyciesjes; Lord Isildur; linc
-> Cc:
-> Subject: Re: Need a favor
-> On Fri, Jun 15, 2001 at 10:09:03AM -0400, David Woyciesjes wrote:
-> > So there's no need for the DELNI, then? Well, I'm gonna
-> dig through
-> > here at work, and see if I can get a list of goodies together...
-> i didn't communicate that very well (linc has cleared this
-> up, but i just want
-> to say my bit) and meant that if he had a DELNI he wouldn't
-> need any more
-> tranceivers, since he's got enough already.
-> and i tawt eengleesh as a second language. how sad is that. :)
-> -brian