Subject: RE: Need a favor
To: 'linc' <>
From: David Woyciesjes <>
List: port-vax
Date: 06/15/2001 09:45:58
	I just might have a Digital Equipment DELNI, which would be what you
need. All you would need besides that, is one AUI <-> 10bT media converter.
I'll dig through the back room here at work.
	You know, I should talk to my boss, dig through everything we got in
the back room, and just have a big tag sale. I wonder if he's coming into
work today...

---   David A Woyciesjes
---   C & IS Support Specialist
---   Yale University Press
---   (203) 432-0953
---   ICQ # - 905818

-> -----Original Message-----
-> From: linc []
-> Sent: Friday, June 15, 2001 10:10 AM
-> To:
-> Subject: Need a favor
-> OK Vaxguys,
-> Since I am now hardcore into these old beasts, no to mention 
-> other older
-> hardware I was wondering if any of you out there might 
-> happen to have a
-> spare multiport MAU and some cable for sale - cheap.  I want 
-> to use it to
-> run the AUI off my boxen so I don't have to keep trying to 
-> find AUI to
-> 10BT trancievers.  Plus I just think it would be cool to 
-> have a real AUI
-> "hub" of sorts.
-> -Linc.
-> -- 
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