Subject: RE: How do I get VMS (ducking now)
To: Carlini, Antonio <>
From: Paul Thompson <>
List: port-vax
Date: 06/13/2001 08:46:01
Things get cloudy on systems which use 520 byte sectors rather than 512.
You will see on IBM's web sites difference capacities for AS/400 format
versus 'normal' sector format.
On Wed, 13 Jun 2001, Carlini, Antonio wrote:
> Matt London wrote:
> > I still don't understand why the disk manufacturers don't
> > quote in "real
> > numbers" tho. Plus - they quote the unformatted capacity usually too -
> > which means you always get less anyway. But then again, that
> > depends on
> > the fs you put on the disk.
> Once one of them started to quote in real-world
> units their stuff started to look bigger to today's
> "untutored" consumers. Same argument for
> formatted vs unformatted (although I thought
> that most disks quote formatted capacity
> these days since there is no real low-level
> formatting allowed on most IDE disks and
> SCSI does not seem to need it either).
> Antonio