Subject: Re: Even More on Vaxen!
To: None <>
From: None <>
List: port-vax
Date: 06/06/2001 20:28:22
On  6 Jun, linc wrote:

> The dang thing works! 
Congratulations! :-)

> So looking at the above, is there anything I can adjust?
Hmm. Replace rarp / bootparams with bootpd or dhcp. This will speed up
booting a bit, as it avoids the timeouts.

> How about the dumpdevice (what is this)?
When a BSD Kernel crashes, it can dump the entire phys memory onto the
swap partition. When the system is booted later it examines the swap
space for such a core dump. If there is one, it is saved to a file on
disk in /var/crash. So you can take this core dump later to do some
kernel debugging with it. As your machine has no local swapspace (no
dumpdev), there can't be a core dump.

