Subject: Re: More on Vaxen
To: None <>
From: John <>
List: port-vax
Date: 06/05/2001 12:05:18
> My next problem is I have what looks like 1 working MFM drive (only 63
> megs) between the two machines. (4 drives, just only 1 works and is
> detected by NetBSD)  Guess I have to go MFM hunting :-)
> Now I need a set for running them over the network because I don't
> have any drive space for them to run on their own :-)

Filesystems on nfs?

Ok. In the part where you download the NetBSD installation kernel, replace
that with an mget *.tgz in /pub/NetBSD/NetBSD-1.5/vax/binary/sets/,
untargzip them all, cd to /export/vaxboot/dev/ (or whatever you're
exporting) and ./MAKEDEV all; then go to /etc and edit all of the files
for starting up and starting net services. Specifically, fstab, rc.conf,
ifconfig.whatever, /etc/hosts, /etc/mygate, and /etc/inetd.conf.

Follow any other parts of that you
think you'd like to do, such as setting up a swap, and you should have a
decent system running over nfs.

Good luck,
John Klos