Subject: Re: Update for NetBoot HOWTO / DEUNA and DEBNA names
To: None <>
From: None <>
List: port-vax
Date: 05/30/2001 09:03:11
On 30 May, Gunther Schadow wrote:

>> The naming on the 6000 machines is quite different, though.
> it's probably a moot point as you will not get beyond boot phase 
> 2 with an XMI/BI machine and NetBSD right now. But the naming would
> be:
>>>> BOOT /XMI:x /BI:y ET0
OK. I included this. You may check again:

> One other side note: if MAC address or anything is unknown and
> hard to get out from the console or if network booting seems to
> hang, I highly recommend tcpdump on the boot server to see what's
> going on. Can tell you the requesting ethernet MAC too.
I included this already in the HOWTO.

